Forecount and Shop Open Until 8:00pm

Times Find Us

Company Update: Covid 19

6th November 2020

Garage Services:

Our Car Workshop shall remain open for repairs, servicing and MOT testing at this time. Please contact our service reception team to arrange an appointment. We also politely remind all our visitors to follow our on-site COVID-19 guidelines.

Car Sales:

You can contact Luke or Nathan from our sales team by phone or email should you require any assistance. You can view our stock on our website, but should you want a closer look at a certain vehicle, we can arrange a video walk-around to be recorded and sent to you.

Any cars that are purchased can also be delivered to your door in a Covid safe manner.



Forecourt Shop:

Our forecourt shops opening hours are currently:

Monday – Saturday: 6am to 8pm.

Sunday: 7am to 6pm.

We kindly request that customers use the disposable gloves when using the petrol pumps following specific advice from the government about this.
In order to reduce contact with cash, we would appreciate it if you could pay by card whenever possible.

Our shop is small, but we are still able to provide social distancing when queuing and have marked this out on the floor for your guidance.

If you have an account with us and do not wish to enter the shop, please feel free to knock on the window showing your account card or name details so we can identify your account. We will book the transaction to your account without signature and post a receipt at the end of the day.


Garden Machinery:

Our Garden Machinery department is available for parts orders, collections/deliveries, and machine repairs. We recommend you contact us before bringing your machine over so that we can advise when we will be able to carry out the repairs (due to the current lockdown period).

If you have any queries relating to garden machinery, please contact 01692 583630.

Obviously, all current social distancing measures will be in place.

As the current situation is continuously changing, we shall be evaluating our plans on a day to day basis based on the government guidelines and will keep our customers as up to date on our plans as possible.



Our Agricultural Departments will continue to remain open to support our farming community.

Our sales team are available and  happy to meet with you whilst practising social distancing, so please call them directly to arrange a meeting if you would like to.

If you can, please place parts orders by telephone in advance of arrival. This way, we can have them ready for you and limit the time you need to be on-site. We can also, as always, arrange for them to be delivered.

The Agri workshop remains open as normal, subject to guidelines and parts availability, and our technicians remain able to attend callouts.

Our technicians will not arrive on-site without calling first and are all following Government guidelines in respect of hygiene and social distancing.


Department Opening Hours:

There maybe times where departments will close earlier than normal. Our advice is for you to contact us before making your journey to check that our staff will still be on site.

We will continue to keep you updated with changes as best we can via our social media pages and here on our website. If you are not aware what social media sites we are on, please check out the list below:




Stay safe and healthy!


At Nicholsons we are doing everything we can to ensure business continues as normal through the Covid-19 crisis, whilst following all guidelines and advice from the Government.

We want to provide you with the highest standard of service we can whilst ensuring our employees remain safe and healthy

We have applied stringent measures across the business such as regular cleaning of surfaces, door handles and equipment, regular hand washing and to the extent possible departmental distancing. This means that you may be asked to walk around rather than through the business to get from one area to another.

In order to help us in this we kindly request that customers who visit us also follow the governments advice and limit personal contact, maintain a 2m distance and using the hand sanitisers provided on the way in and on the way out

It goes without saying that if you are feeling unwell or showing any symptoms of Covid-19, you should not visit us.

If you are self-isolating, we can provide a delivery service (Mondays to Fridays) from the shop and will be happy to take your order on 01692 583627.

We want to thank you for your support during this difficult time and hope you and your families remain safe and well.
